


Current Variation Representation Specfication Schema

Legend Classes (data types) are shown as boxes. Abstract classes are denoted by dotted outline; “identifiable” classes, which may be referenced with an identifier, are denoted by bold borders; non-identifiable classes are denoted by thin solid borders. Inheritance and composition are shown with dotted gray and solid black lines connecting classes, respectively. All classes have a string type. Abstract classes enable specializations of concepts in this and future versions of VRS. Identifiable classes have an optional _id attribute. Non-identifiable classes exist only to structure data always occur “inline” within objects. Inherited attributes are not shown in this diagram. An asterisk (*) denotes a nullable attribute. A dagger (†) denotes attributes that may be specified with inline objects or references to the same type.


Machine Readable Specifications

The machine readable VRS Specification is written using JSON Schema.

The schema itself is written in YAML (vr.yaml) and converted to JSON (vr.json).

Contributions to the schema MUST be written in the YAML document.